On Friday, July 29th, Dedham Civic Pride will host a Dough Raiser at Uno's Pizzeria & Grill at 270 Providence Highway (Dedham Mall). From open (11:00 am) to close (11:30 pm) anyone who presents our Dough Raiser Coupon will be helping DCP raises funds for our fall bulb planting extravaganza!
This fund raiser applies to dine in, take out and bar sales. So mark your calendar for Friday, July 29th...hope to see many familiar faces at Uno's. Just make sure to print out the coupon below and give it to your server so the Dedham Civic Pride can get credit for your showing up!
Oh, one more thing.....Dedham Civic Pride will be at the Dedham Farmer's Market on Wednesday, July 27th. You can pick up Uno Dough Raiser Coupons there.