Dedham Civic Pride is pleased to announce Tim Hegarty, Chairman and Board of Director of the Norfolk and Dedham Group as its 2018 Civic Pride Spot Light Recipient.
A Catholic Memorial and Boston College grad, Tim has been with the Norfolk and Dedham Group for over 34 years. Beginning in 1984 as the Marketing Vice President and as the company President from 1990 through 2017.
Under Tim's guidance, the company has had a long standing relationship with Dedham Civic Pride. Our first partner project back in 2002 brought 20 trees and grates to Dedham Square. A few years later during the Route One bridge construction Civic Pride worked closely with both town and state officials to install the antique clock and garden area at the Square Crossing. The Norfolk and Dedham Group sponsored the installation of the garden and continues to provide for its maintanence.
For the past five years, the Norfolk and Dedham Group has been the presenting sponsor of the Spring Gala. The Gala is the largest fundraiser held by the Friends of Dedham Civic Pride. Without this support the many programs and projects of Civic Pride would not exist. Tim and his wife Mary are true friends of Civic Pride and can always been seen at our events and we are pleased to honor Tim at this years Gala on Friday May 4th. The Spring Gala, once again, will be held at the MIT Endicott House, 80 Haven Street Dedham, MA from 6:30-9:30. Tickets are available at Eventbrite and for more information please visit our website or contact Janet Holmes at 781.249.9258