Dedham Civic Pride has 65 sites at rotaries, traffic islands, road dividers and other areas around town in their Sponsor-A-Spot program where the organization maintains pocket parks and gardens full of plants and shrubbery.
To defray the cost of plants, waters, and maintenance of the sites, local businesses, organizations, and individuals join with Dedham Civic Pride to improve the aesthetics of the town by adopting a site. Two new sponsors have joined this long time Sponsor-A-Spot project.
Now sponsoring the site at the intersection of East and High Streets, opposite the Clock area in Dedham Square, is Studio Barre. Studio Barre, according to their website, is a premier fitness boutique offering an exceptionally effective and personalized barre workout for all fitness levels, with barre exercises that incorporate the ballet barre, your own body weight, resistance bands, exercise balls and light hand weights to tone, shape and sculpt your body. Studio Barre is located at 95 Eastern Ave, Suite 113. More information on Studio Barre can be found at
The second new sponsor is Dedham School of Music. Dedham School of Music is sponsoring the garden area in front of the Mother Brook Art and Community Center on High Street. Now in their 10th year, Dedham School of Music offers private lessons, classes and ensembles in a variety of instruments and at all skill levels. Their website,, gives more details of their programs and mission.
Dedham Civic Pride has a few more sites that are available for adoption. If you would be interested working with Dedham Civic Pride in keeping our community green, please contact Janet Holmes at 781-249-9258 or at